Cellarmaster's Club

Shopping for wine in supermarkets and shops can be frustrating and intimidating; too many choices, too little information and too much heavy lifting when it comes to getting the wine home. As a club member you leave all that to us. Each month we select wines for you based on your general preferences and within the price range chosen by you. Then we deliver the wine directly to your door anywhere in Poland. You're a winner not just for convenience but also in regards to quality and our specially discounted prices. After more than two decades of importing directly and exclusively from some of the finest wineries in the world, Wine Express is widely acknowledged as having one of the best list of imported wines in Poland. And we are not resting on our laurels. We are constantly tasting wines from new producers and adding the most outstanding of them to our offer.

How exactly does it work?

Choose how much you'd like to spend on wine a month. Anything from 300 zl upwards. Then decide whether you like to receive a six or twelve bottle case monthly. Red or white? Or mixed in whatever proportions you choose. Any preferences? New World rather than European, for example. Don't like Chardonnay or some other grape or country? Tell us and you'll never get it.

Who chooses the wines?

We leave this to owner John Borrell who has been drinking fine wine for more than 50 years and enjoys the monthly task of choosing wine for club members on an individual basis.

Who will take care of any requests or questions

Our Wine Club manager, Maria Wierczynska. You can e-mail or call her at anytime ( maria@wine-express.pl or +48 58 6840790 ).

How would you like to pay?

Credit card, bank transfer or cash on delivery? Invoice required? Give us the details.

Besides great wines, what's in it for me?

You get an automatic 15 per cent discount on our warehouse on-line prices on all club deliveries and on any additional orders. On average you'll save around 30 per cent on regular shop prices. With your first order we'll send you two elegant hand-blown glasses and an opener with foil cutter. We also guarantee you a 15 per cent discount on room rates at Kania Lodge, our magical place in Kaszubia.

How long do I have to sign up for?

There are no requirements. You can withdraw without cost at any time you like.

How do I get started?

Click on this link or Call or e-mail us.

Join the Cellarmasters Club

Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest John Borrell prowadzący działalność gospodarczą pod firmą Wine Express Limited John Borrell z siedzibą w Sitnej Górze 10, 83-300 Kartuzy. Przetwarzamy Twoje dane wyłącznie w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie zawarte w formularzu kontaktowym (podstawa przetwarzania danych to realizacja naszych prawnie uzasadnionych interesów administratora w postaci komunikacji z użytkownikami strony). Twoje dane będą przetwarzane nie dłużej, niż jest to konieczne do udzielenia Ci odpowiedzi, a po tym czasie mogą być przetwarzane przez okres przedawnienia ewentualnych roszczeń. Podanie przez Ciebie danych jest dobrowolne, ale konieczne do tego, żeby odpowiedzieć na Twoje pytanie. Masz prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a także prawo do przenoszenia swoich danych oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego.
Cellarmaster's Club